I think it needs a sibling to come live with it, don't you?
I'm working extreme part time right now. I had exactly a week off before they decided they needed me again. Twelve hours a week is better than nothing. Gives me more time to prepare for NH Sheep & Wool.
Anyone attending, please come visit me in the Kimball Dairy Barn. It's a bit out of the way, off the beaten track, but there ARE vendors in that building, including moi.
Leadbelly. I love it. I bet David Lead-erman could crack some good top-10 jokes out of that one.
--AlisonH at spindyeknit.com
I'm jealous of your spindle! I want one! Actually, I want ANY spindle, right now. I'm going to take your advice on how to start.
I wish I could come and visit you at the Kimball Dairy Barn., What fun it would be. I like the idea of the spindle but it looks like it take a month of Sundays to spin enough for a sweater.
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