Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gotta Celebrate!

OK, this is another of my infamous before/after shots.

"Before," from November of 2008, about a week before I started Weight Watchers, comes to us courtesy of Joansie's Blog.

Shawl pattern is from the dear, delightful, wonderful, totally, completely, utterly awesome Alison Hyde. It's in her terrific book, "Wrapped in Comfort." There are more of her shawl patterns in my future, too. It's just hard to pick one, as they are ALL fabulous.

"After" shots, taken just this afternoon -- in fact only a few minutes ago -- are courtesy of my kid (Daphne). She was the only family member kind enough to respond to my call for a photographer!

There, now! Doesn't that look a whole lot better on the "new" me? Notice also in rear view shot -- that's MY arse in a pair of Levi's again!


Alison said...

Congratulations! You look wonderful!

Deb said...

Way to go! You look great & so does your shawl!