Monday, June 01, 2009

Rosie the Riveter Kerchief

I made this kerchief from one of my own batts. wish I had thought to photograph the batt ahead of time, but oh, well...

The blend was hand-dyed wool, undyed milk fiber, and a bit of dark red angelina. I had a total of 1.3 oz, which I spun on the fine side and Navajo-plied. I ended up with a total of 106 yards, and at the end of the project, I think I had maybe 3 yards left. Talk about knitting on the edge!
"Rosie the Riveter" is a free pattern on Ravelry. While I love the shaping of it and will experiment with that more in the future, the pattern itself either has way more mistakes than a pattern should, or I had a bad case of the stupids when I sat down to make it. I ended up reworking the whole thing, and while it came out nicely enough, there are things about it that did not please me. I think some math was done wrong, either by me, or the designer, or both.Anyhoo, the problems are not so glaring that I felt a second trip to the frog pond was necessary. I wanted this thing on my head, not in my UFO pile!Yesterday was Pentecost, so we were supposed to wear red to church. So, I dutifully wore the new kerchief and paired it up with this vintage caftan I found in an antique store on my last trip to Maine.Can you believe, only $30 for a real Balinese batik caftan entirely made of SILK????? And I have lost a few more pounds, so it fits even more comfortably than it did back in April when I bought it! Wheeeeeeee......
And the orange-red motif really did look rather obligingly like tongues of fire...

And now I think I need to add a djembe to this ensemble. Seriously. I am really thinking I want to try joining the church's drum circle. They were so good yesterday, and just seemed to be having so much...FUN! I wants me some of that fun...

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